Gosh. Everyone was so excited about Beijing Olympic 2008. Too bad I'm having my final examination at the same day. 08/08/08. Such a 'memorable' day.
By the way I just had my Moral Studies examination today 10am morning. I went to the examination hall for 2nd time, it was so spacious. You can even play football there...if you dare.
See. Damn BIG right? But it's very scary too. I felt so tense and cold inside. My seat number is K2. Located at the front-middle of the hall, 2nd seat, directly infront of the lecturers. Scaryness x10. The rule is kind of weird. NO handphone, even if you switch it off! Not sure about the reason though.
My first exam was tough. Especially the objective part. My lecturer said chapter 5 won't come out in the question, but there was around 5Q about it! All of us were like damn annoyed. I mean, you should be more responsible, isn't it? Joanne's quote: 'A promise is a promise.'
I just watched the open ceremony of Beijing Olympic at Silver River restaurant just now. Haha. It was so damn freaking nice! Especially the fireworks. But I don't understand why Malaysia team want to wear until so yellowish (cantonese call wong-gam-gam)... and even songkok. -___-
Chemistry examination on Monday. If I don't study harder... I'll be dead soon. Arghhhh.
very sad for you ><
jackson: yea. definately =(
lol...dat opening ceremony olympic reali super yeng!!!dose light make til so pro!!dat earth,dat water fall+sound effect....so yeng!!!
jinjin: yaa... of course la. so big event leh.
haha. final 2008! hahahahaha!
joanne: >_<
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