Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Intro a new song to you guys~ 林健辉-我听见有人叫你宝贝
nice right? xD

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just Relax~

Spend around 1 week+ in my lovely hometown Kuantan~ What am I doing recently? Yup, just relax~ Haha. Mostly eat, sleep, watch tv, play computer, sports, and some family and friends outing.

I think my driving skill improved abit, since I drove my parents to Bukit Pelindung to climb mountain and eat breakfast 3-4times a week. Good exercise~ Make me sweat everytime~ xD Trying to keep fit but too bad I eat more than I sweat. Yesterday went to BayLeaf Steak House again, weeee, the Salmon Baked with Spinach Cheese, so nice~

After that I went to yumcha with my old friends at Just Relax Cafe. Really feel great to meet all my old friends. But next time we better go other place, because JR too noisy -__-'' I am old man, I need a quiet and comfortable environment! Haha~ Hope to go out with friends again next week~ I don't wanna go back to Cheras T_T Kuantan the best~! Peace ^_^V

Today is family day~ So me and my parents went to visit my grandpa and had lunch at Tanjung Ria. Glad he's still healthy~ Then we went to Kuantan Parade to buy all those house stuff, u know la, tissue ar, fruit ar, all those. Yeah, East Coast Mall aka ECM again~ I can see the great development of Kuantan, and the standard of living and quality of living have improved obviously. Nowadays you can see many people eating Baskin Robbin and Sushi King, unlike last time these expensive shops have less customers. Why am I talking about these?! Swt, affected by last sem Business!

By the way, we saw the Astro 乐龄歌唱大赛 contestant came for promotion at ECM. I was so suprised to see so many people infront the stage. I feel relieved for the contestants haha. Because last time when JJ Lin (when he's not so famous) and Daniel Wen Li Ming went to Kuantan Parade, so little people LOL. Then I feel quite bad for them. Hopefully more singer will come to Kuantan ECM~ Like Rachel Liang Wen Yin! Woo yay~

That's how I spend my holiday~ Not bad right~ Another 6 days need go back Cheras liao~ Haiz. I will enjoy the rest of the holiday~! Kuantanese any outing call me along ya~ Need to get some sleep~ Byeee

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hello Old Friend

Refer back to this post. http://green-kiddo.blogspot.com/2008/06/goodbye-and-hello_26.html

Ya damn.. I using back him again. Luckily he haven't decay~ Yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
By the way, I am using the same number xD
Nothing already la~ I am in good mood now and I still love my family~ <3


Friday, April 17, 2009

尽力了? So what~

今天是考试的最后一天,也是考最难的Business。为了这一科,我熬夜到通宵,睡都没睡。就是为了准备Gilbert所谓的essay tips。考试他给7个chapter我们,有5个会出,选两题。可是没有讲出哪一part。所以我准备了5题。

考完过后很想骂他全家,可是我忍住。为什么要骂他全家? 他讲'very important'的一题都没有出!什么characteristic of information?!做么要酱陷害人!!!不懂会有报应的啊!现在的我只要求pass。。。真可笑,读了那么久,上网找example,现在居然只要求pass~ 尽力了? So what~

过后在同学们的一番讨论后,渐渐忘了那个dulan的考试。去拿饭吃的时候,还给一个不懂哪里来的印尼人算钱。。。妈的,算到酱贵! 今天真是超级无敌dulan! 哎,可是,无论如何还是考完了啊~ 所以就跟朋友们去KLCC庆祝。

过后我们看了一套鬼片叫 是泰国片来的~ 跟你讲,是说戏院的鬼片leh!想像一下在戏院看的fu~哇。刺激到~~~~~ 然后出场过后,正要拿电话来玩。。。不见了。对!不见了!!! 过后我跟工作人员到戏院找,找来找去找不到。。死了这次!过后berry帮我call电话,一开始是通的,第二次就没了~ 看来我还是无法像上次那样幸运的逃过一劫。。。KL,顶你!什么烂地方,酱多坏人!!

好烦。。不懂怎样跟家人说。。朋友还一直安慰我,什么‘旧的不去新的不来’ ‘那个谁啊一个sem不见3个电话,你算好了’~ 我没有想像中的懦弱,没有哭,没有很难过~ 只是觉得自己已经黑到一个极点了。。从早上开始就肚子不舒服->考试aim不中->买饭算酱贵->电话被偷。现在只好安慰自己‘丕极泰来’!就是当一件事衰到了极点,好的事就会陆续而来~

平时的我,看了鬼片一定会一直想,一直让自己处于那种紧绷的状态。就是笔突然跌了也会吓个半死~ 可是,今天我真正领悟到了一件事。人比鬼更恐怖。人的心机,暗算,恶谋,其实就是一个活生生的魔鬼!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tagged by Izzatieeee [My 1st Album?!]


1 - Open http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.(alternatively, if the first article you hit is short, hit Random Article two more times.)

2 - Open http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Open http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use photoshop/paint or similar to put it all together.5 - Post it! and Flaunt it!

Lol this tag so creative.

My band name i get.. Brestovec? (After check: A village in Slovakia) Lol i dont even know where is Slovakia haha.

Then my album title... 'they'll want something new'. Means my album is old-style?! That's funny lol.

Wah the picture. == Not like an album cover also.. Grr~ Yerrr who will buy my album if the cover so... ah, just scroll down and look.

There you go. My 1st own album LOL~ Remember support support me ar~ Cheap only RM49.90 only! Available in any CD shop~ xD

p/s: See the cover. Yer. But I think it kinda match with the title LOL.

I tag Christine, ermm and Joanne. because syok-sendiri person like her sure will enjoy this tag

[EDIT: Tag Berry also since she want to do lolx, anyone interested can just do the tag la]

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Birthday of 2 great friends~!

Event: Joseph & Berry Birthday Celebration
Time: 8th of April (last wednesday)
Location: My Cheras house

Joseph birthday is 5/4 while Berry's is 12/4 but we decided to celebrate it together to save money, since the more the merrier! Everyone reached at around 7.30PM~ Firstly, we eat pizza. Then, we play cards. After that, we gave presents and ate the cakes. Finally, we study abit for the final exam before slept.
Haha I know that's lame~ I am not that good in describing event so... let the pictures talk ok? xD

The foods. Use my mum pizza coupon lol~

Joseph and Berry + the presents~!

Top (left to right): James, Shawn, Fusheng
Mid: Me, Kz, Kelly, MeeMay, Christine
Front: Joseph, Berry

Act ghost bleh~

Stupid pose lol~

Off topic: Dont make them angry.. or else..

Wow. I think I look slim in this picture. Mwahaha~

I hope you two really enjoy the celebration like I do. xD
All the best for final exam!
p/s: Shit. Havent finish study =x

Tuesday, April 7, 2009



一开始我还在想,会不会是愚人节恶搞的新闻?! 简直很难令人相信。。过后去google确定了。她真的走了。以下是新闻简要:






大家有没有想过,如果(我是说如果)得重病的人是自己,你会像阿桑这样,为了不要让身边的人担心,自己面对病魔吗? 还是把事情告诉身边的人?

其实我自己也有面对过这种dillema,就是上次手机差点被打抢的时候。我当时选择了隐瞒。因为想到父母一定超担心,然后不让我住那里 =x 但是如果事情已经到了一个很严重的地步,我还是会和身边的人说。毕竟,一个人受苦真的很难熬的~ 不然最后大家会更难过和遗憾了。。但是我还是尊重阿桑的抉择,她应该有自己的理由。

上个星期才刚听到一位中五同班同学车祸的噩耗,虽然和他不是很熟,可是还是会感到惋惜。看到他的朋友的部落格,弥漫着一股忧伤的气氛,自己也会跟着难过起来。。现在又有这样突然的事。。真是不得不感慨生命短暂啊~ 如果我身边的人发生这种事,我一定难过死了!所以,想做的事情就放胆去做吧!短暂的生命也可以很精彩!祝福大家~