Yes!!!! (need to be a bit energetic before you start a plan)
My plan is to SLIM DOWN to have a healthier body before i start my carreer as a nutritionist.
Actions of my plan:
i) Go do some exercise in UCSI gym during free time (Kelly, Christine you two need to remind me!)
ii) Eat only two meals per day
iii) Drink MORE water
iv) Buy more GREEN APPLES to eat as snack when hungry ( I heard it really helps)
This plan won't works by my own for sure, well, u know why. I am seeking for my friends' help!
If you see me:
i) Eating currypuff/kayapuff/whatever during teatime (3-5pm)
ii) Eating KFC or whatever fast food
iii) Drinking carbonated drinks
iv) Eat more then 2 meals per day
v) Eating candy during any lecture class
Then you can (YES YOU REALLY CAN) :
i) Remind me
ii) Scold me
iii) Take away the food from me
iv Slap/Beat me ( ONLY IF i refuse to listen)
Well, at least today i managed to do some of the plan's action. Pray for me that i can succeed in this BIG PLAN!! YES!
Alumni invitation program
2 months ago
wah~yewhong...u r nt joking??!!u wan diet oh??......well...den wish u all the best dun diet til so.....if 2 thin nt nice 2 c dy...den we all sure will miss lz time fat2+cute2 de u...haha~
haha~~then if i saw u eating fast food or snack, can i take from u and help u eat?? keke....
sumore...since where u heard that green apple can make u slim down??
i din heard be4...
here some advice...
dun ever and ever eat fast food and snack....
currypuff and kayapuff wont make u fat...hehe....
shawn: sure can la. i read it from a blog. tat guy slim down 40kgs using tat tecnique. impressive.
JinJin: i am very serious. cause i want to diet when i am still healthy and able to do it. haha
ooo~~~then gambateh~!!!
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