This is the funniest thing I ever heard since i came to UCSI.
It happened last few weeks when Chloe met an Iraq student.
Iraq student: What's your name?
Chloe: (nervous and slow response) MY NAME ARR??
Iraq student: Mynimah? That's a NICE name!
Chloe: NOooOOo!!!!
When Joseph told me about this i laugh like MAD. And everyone laugh like mad when i told them. haha.
Yesterday, in chemistry class, Chloe did it again.
MrKok: What's your name by the way? (looking at Chloe)
Chloe: MY NAME ARR? (LOL! me, kelly and kaizhen keep laughing after that. Chloe too)
Luckily MrKok didn't said:' Mynimah? That's a nice name! '
If not.. i will laugh till i drop from the chair.. for sure! 
By the way, this is Chloe and me.
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