Sorry about the previous joke post cause at that time i don't have much idea to blog haha. BUT NOW, I HAVE LOTSSSS OF THING TO POST!
Seriously, i am not MrKok's stalker. But this crazy fellow lecturer... he always make fun of me in his class lor. So i must post about him and take my revenge reply him here! Firstly, i wanna introduce him in a more detail way.
Name: Kok Yik Lim aka Mr Kok
Nickname: Kok Kok, Smart Mr Me
Age: 2x perhaps 30
Characteristic: PLAYFUL, CHILDISH, EVIL, SARCASTIC Funny, kind, handsome, clever.
Interest: Sue someone, tell story, draw using paint, read someone's blog, bullying someone
Favourite Quote: 'How are you feeling today?'
Dislike food: Green stripes on UCSI sushi.
Today after I submitted my lab report to Mr.Jayaraj, i met MrKok in the office. He show me a kinda wicked smile. Something like this.
Hmm. That's weird. I feel some bad thing will happen to me today.
Then in BCOM class, MrKok teached Proof by Induction today. Seriously i dunno what he teached that time cause i was quite sleepy and bored. But then MrKok said he made a story SPECIALLY for BCOM student. So i started to pay more attention to the class.Suddenly i saw my blog's name on the board. Student Green. Lol. The story is about Mr Me and Student Green. MrKok still emphasized that MrMe is not him. Well, that's so obvious ok? So lame . Ehem. Mr Kok even drew it with PAINT.

The storyline is something like this. Student Green saw a cat on the rooftop and want to save it. But I HE was afraid of the ladder. Then the ROUND MrKok MrMe said:'' Don't worry my timid student.'' Using induction, Mr Me proof that the ladder is safe to climb, so they finally save the cat. Then, the cat said:'' I was looking at the scenery IDIOT!''
MrKok: Okay, look at the word IDIOT, it does not have 's', which means the cat only pointing at either MrMe or Student Green. So, YewHong, who do you think the cat is reffering to? Answer carefully...
Yewhong: Mr. Me!
MrKok: Then you can leave the auditorium hall now.
Well, I admit that today MrKok was damn funny, i was laughing during the whole story telling session. At night, i have a small chat with Mr Kok in MSN. Here's our conversation.
yiklim says:
you sure you want to sue me?
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
maybe not if u give me some extra marks
yiklim says:
sure, i'll give you five marks extra
yiklim says:
initial mark = 0
yiklim says:
change of mark = +5
yiklim says:
final mark = 5
yiklim says:
still fail
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
fine, then i'll sue u
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
wait to receive my letter lah
yiklim says:
at least tell me what are you suing me for
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
quote me without my permission
yiklim says:
when i did quote you?
yiklim says:
and if i quoted you, it means that i have acknowledged you, in other words, you can't sue me
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
today lor. copy me use paint
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
somemore exposed my privacy in front of the whole class
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
blog is something personal mah
yiklim says:
if it's personal, don
yiklim says:
't disclose the URL
yiklim says:
and you are not student green
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
oh really?
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
then u are not Mr.Me?
yiklim says:
you are right!
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
By the way, how long u've plan the story ar?
yiklim says:
thought about it this morning when i woke up
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
n how long u drew that with paint?
yiklim says:
half an hour
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
hm that's quite impressive
yiklim says:
i know ;)
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
but compare to mine... urs is like tadika kid drawing
yiklim says:
oh really? then you will not only fail GC and BCOM, but also C
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
U like coke isn't it?
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
Mee may told me that she saw u bought coke many time
yiklim says:
she's exaggerating
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
dun drink so much of coke la
y e w h o n g a k a p i k a c h u says:
later u will become as round as Mr Me
yiklim says:
i will become as round as student green before i look like mr. me
yiklim says:
alright, i have to go now
yiklim says:
good bye and good night
From this conversation, you can see that how lame friendly my lecturer is. Today is really fun. Haha.

Have a nice day MrKok.
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