Although I looked like a happy-go-lucky and playful boy almost all the time, i admit sometimes that i am a kinda emo person. You know what? It's NOT EASY to be happy all the time. Sometimes it's kinda tiring.
Of course being happy is better than being sad. But why there are people who like to watch touching movies or drama which make them drop their tears? That's because they need a break from their stressed life. Some people cry when they are sad, me too. Maybe you will think that i am a mommy's boy, but seriously, I DON'T CARE at all. I live for myself, not for you.
For me, I lead my own life and i am glad i can be confident all the time. Without confident, who is going to care about you? The difference between people with confident and people without confident is one live under oneself, while another one live under the eyesight of other people.
I like to make everyone laughes, but it's not easy to do it. I don't know why but I like to see happy faces around me. I will try my very best to bring the greatest happiness to the people around me. But sadly, there are still some people out there who don't like the way i joke, they think i might hurt someone.
Yeah, i admit that sometimes i can be too exxagerating when i am talking about something funny. Perhaps my joke broke someone's heart. I am not a perfect joker. If you can't bear with me, just get the hell out of my life. I don't like serious and tense people anyway.
Haha. Thanks for reading the post until the very end. Aiks, let me be emo for one day okay?
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2 months ago
well...sumtime jz be urself...let urself hv a rest...being hapi is gud bt perhaps it's jz as wat u said....tired...however,wish u cn hapi owis^^
jinjin: thanks.. i am okay...
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