今天上Biology lab的时候认识了几位新同学~
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
为了5月24号这一天,我去到陌生的Taman Maluri换票给我的朋友~
首先,先讲一讲我当天发生的事。 话说,我1:50pm出门,打算在福星茶餐室跟Joseph会合~ Joseph出名迟到大家都懂的啦,所以我事先跟他讲1:45pm SHARP 吃东西,然后2:30pm 搭taxi去PGRM大厦跟梁文音Fans Club的Head拿票~ 那个Joseph。。。夸张到~~~~~ 他竟然敢死给我迟到! 2:30pm才到!真是弄到我火滚到~~~
过后我们就去搭taxi罗~ 那班taxi佬,专门在那边‘坤’人,每次不走meter,你问他多少钱,他就开天价!然后你讲贵,他的同党就会在那边‘吓?酱便宜去不到啦~hng~!’讲到‘似层层’酱,看他们那副老鼠样我就dulan!那天Joseph问他多少钱,他讲Rm18。他妈的,真想一巴给它盖下去!然后我们找到一个走meter的,去到才Rm7! 差不多便宜3倍!我靠~~~~
3点到了PGRM(演唱会地点)我就联络后援会的Head,跟她拿票,他们真的很壮观@_@~ 过后看到MyFM特工队,他们zak给我们一堆tissue,汽水,辣椒风湿贴,腰酸背疼药膏,洗身乳,真是有够搞笑!(果然是见者有份)然后工作人员就跟我们讲:‘等下5点有送VIP票喔!’其实我已经有VIP票了,不过我朋友没有~
4点到五点,我跟Joseph去STARBUCK。。。隔壁的Station One Kopitiam喝茶过时间~还看到DJ Royce在Starbuck喝茶,不过他好像不是很要跟我们笑~ 过后Berry和她朋友伟翔来了~凯甄被她父母逼去听讲座所以迟点到~
5点我和Joseph就去跟特工队玩游戏~ 哇塞~ 我真的觉得自己很强~ 当他问:‘请讲出今晚出席演唱会的一位歌手!’然后我就举手讲‘梁文音!’一本Yeah杂志就送给我了~ 然后他送其他废物我都没有鸟他,一直举手的话,等下送VIP票的时候他不选我~ 过后他问:‘请讲出其中一个演唱会的赞助商。’我就讲‘Universal环球’~哇,两张Magnum Zone VIP票就到手了~ 我真神啊~ 可是我的是Universal Zone VIP票,不过都是很前的位子啦~ 最后Joseph和凯甄拿那两张VIP票,Berry和她朋友拿普通的~
6点左右,我们上去排队进场~我第一次去酱的演唱会~超酷的!我抢到不错的位子耶~大概离舞台4,5排~ 等等等~~~等到7:30pm才开始~ 说到我坐的位子,厉害罗~ 前面是全部粉红色的梁文音迷,简称‘知音’(包括我)~后面是没有颜色的大嘴巴迷,黑色的A-Bin方炯滨迷~旁边是红色的Y2J神木与瞳迷~还有也是黑色的Queen魏如昀迷~ 终于让我见识到传说中的‘疯狂fans'~专业到。。。一开始就在那边挂banner,画加油板,吹balloon,派whistle~ GENG啊~!


不用我介绍罗,他们酱红~我跟你讲,黄美珍真人美到爆~~~ 第一首歌是‘为你而活’!可以想像有几high吗~?YuMing唱歌真的很够力,四个字-震撼人心! 美珍拉高音,一点破or不够气都没有~ oh my god~ 听到我爽到爆~ 简直好听过听cd!然后他们唱慢歌‘爱在末日前’,‘草戒指’,好lam喔~全场跟着唱的感觉就是不一样~
虽然来自新加坡'绝对SuperStar'的Kelly人气没有那么高,可是大家很‘卑面’,看着LCD荧幕歌词跟着唱~ ‘Shakalaka Baby’ 和 ‘限时的遗忘’都唱得不错喔,算是实力派的~ 她真人也蛮美的,不过头发长一点会比较美~
我吓到~因为她染了金发~我还是比较喜欢她purple色头发的造型,yeng! 她的‘蝶恋’也是很好听,唱现场可以唱到酱真的很geng~然后还有轻快的‘Party Days'炒热气氛~ 她的歌迷喊,我也跟着喊~哈哈!好玩~

他之前是‘少年’团员,过后单飞去台湾发展~酱就红了lor~他的fans就在我后面,虽然没有我们知音酱多,不过全部都是‘大声公’,‘大声婆’,喊到我要聋了~ 加上其他后面的(non fans club)也喊到很够力~可能因为他是马来西亚人,所以大家比较high~不过他唱成名曲‘坏人’真的真的很好听!全场人跟着唱~ 他真人比较好看(因为他说他看好文音拿金曲新人奖 xD)~过后,他还唱‘哼哼爱’,我没听过,所以我放空~~ By the way,他弹吉它和Queen,Yuming合唱都不错~ 只是他的歌迷太high,不懂喊酱大声做么,害我听不太到~
本来还以为到文音出场,结果不是~ 不用紧,Alisa也不错~她穿到很美hor?哈哈~一开始她唱了传说中的‘Hound Dog’!做么我讲‘传说中’leh?因为想当年在星光二班PK赛,就是她!就是这首歌!她拿到25分满分,把拿到20分的梁文音PK掉!好采过后败部复活赛,梁文音回来了~ 我只可以说,她真的很享受她的舞台,台风很稳,根本不像新人~不愧是‘血滴子Alisa’! 然后她唱新专辑的歌‘如果没有明天’很powerful,有外国人唱歌那种感觉~
到这个时候,基本上我已经很不爽,因为我的梁文音还没有出场!而且我的脚站到很酸~ 所以DJ Nicholas,颜微恩,Royce,Phoebe,贾森 和 Queen,美珍,阿滨,Alisa,嘉丽合唱时,我只是在想:‘LALALAM快点唱完它啦~ZZZ'不过只有Phoebe和Alisa唱的‘热情的沙漠’我听到最爽~ 超High的~ 我跟着一起喊‘He! Ha!'爽~ 我在想:‘作什么文音还没出来~如果被kevin诅咒成功,文音缺席,我会杀很大~~~~’

哇~终于出来了!等到我的颈很长啊~我前面的知音还有我,喊到真的很大声~为了文音,我拿喉咙博命啊~她还梳很可爱的Pok头leh~ 她真的x100很可爱,很真,很美~~~ 我觉得自己好像傻佬,因为从她出来开始我就一直看着她傻笑!没有办法,她真的是女神~一开始她唱'第一眼'~我之前已经猜到她一定会唱这首歌哈哈~我不由自主地跟着她又唱又跳~OMG我傻了~

然后DJ出来访问她,(其实每一位歌手他们都有访问,不过文音的比较重要,所以我写一下)问她有没有信心拿奖,排戏怎样啊等等~ 她讲话的声音很sweet咧~ 还有她的招牌笑声,我终于领教到了哈哈~ 过后她还唱‘最亲爱的’,真的很夸张的好听~让我告诉你为什么!你看,其他歌手我会一直跟着唱,可是文音唱的时候,我整个被她征服了,虽然歌词我熟到烂,可是我突然只想听她唱,你讲GENG不Geng?! (路人:Geng!)Ok,过后当然要唱招牌歌‘最幸福的事’啦~我本来也不想唱的,可是这首歌太红了,全场都唱(和‘坏人’一样震撼),我不唱不是很傻?哈哈~ 当唱到高音和拉长音的地方‘。。都微笑着静止~~~~~~’就清楚听到梁文音的现场实力了~(因为大家都拉不到酱长!哈哈)听到我一直鸡皮疙瘩~!


弄到我们全部在那边笑~你讲,梁文音是不是很搞笑很真?(路人:‘简直啦!’)是罗~然后她还扮李小龙那个弄鼻子的打架pose,可爱到~~~笑死我了!当然她是开玩笑啦~她跟Alisa合唱‘L.O.V.E’ 同台飙歌~还一边跳可爱的舞蹈,太爽了啦(最下面有video~)~~~最后还握手言和哈哈!
好爽啊~!整个人像做梦一样~!你懂不懂那种感觉?哈哈。By the way,颜薇恩讲迟点TVB8会播,我就在一堆粉红色人(知音)和黑色人(A-Bin歌迷)的中间,帮我看下我有没有上电视?哈哈哈~ 谢谢伟翔载我们吃McD和载我们回~ 感谢!
我现在死而无憾了我! 哈哈哈哈~
P/s: 本来我们有拍一张合照的,不过Berry的USB忘记带回Inti,我要等到礼拜五,迟点再补贴好了。
看下video吧~ L.O.V.E那part真的太赞了啦~~~~
What a CRAZY & INSANE world!!!
The day before yesterday, my 2nd brother came over to my house and gave me 4 hamster (in 2 different cages), because he need to go to UK to study for 3 months. So I just help him rare the hamsters for 3 months.
Just now, after I went back from the MyMusic Concert, I slept at around 2am. Then suddenly 4am, my housemates called me wake up. Wth?! One of the 2 hamster dont know how ran out from the cage~! Then we catched one of them, around 30minutes used just to catch that small and fast hamster. Then we keep finding the other one but in vain. We searched through the whole house but still cant find the small hamster. We were about to give up because it may ran out from our house already... Then FokTao and James said wanna go out check. Then I was thinking :' Impossible la... If want run sure run till very far already lor...'
Mana tau, Fok Tao found it at the stairs!!! Siao... Really siao! This is like the most dramatic event in the world! Can you imagine at this time, 4am, catch hamster?! Siaooo! Then we all bring the tupperware to catch it. It run run run at the stairs.. at 14th to 12th.. Then suddenly it fall down and pengsan on the stair there. We were like damn scare it will die! Wasai... scare dao me ar!!! Then we faster put in back and it wake up liao. It looks fine.. Hmm. Hope nothing wrong with it la.
Lucky Fok Tao and James don't give up, if not sure cannot find back already... This is the siao-est thing I did in this 18 years... The time is 5.09am now. Seriously, I WANT CRAZY ALREADY! And I need some sleep, today is just too crazy, since the concert till now. Everything is INSANE! Stay tune for the concert update tomorrow!
Again, thanks Kelly James and Fok Tao help me find the hamsters!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
13th Horoscope - Ophiucus/Serpentarius 蛇夫座?!
Omg..yes a shocking news for me... I watch a Tv show from PPS just now and I realise lately there is a new discovery on horoscope. This is really the hottest topic lately!
Some experts realise that there is a horoscope between Scorpio and Sagitarius, known as Ophiucus/Serpentarius (the Serpent bearer), or 蛇夫座 in chinese.They say maybe the ancient time priests have forgotten about it, or maybe they simply ignored it for reasons that we will never be sure about. Maybe they feel that 13 is unlucky and so on, or maybe because 12 corresponds to the number of months we have on the calendar. By the way, this is not officially proven yet. We'll see soon.
Some of you may be wondering... I don't give it a damn, none of my business!
People born in this Ophiucus sign have abilities to cure others, they can discover the meaning of dreams, they are looking for peace, they have a poetic talent and attract luck.
Oh my! I've change from Virgo to Leo! In other words, I am not a 处女anymore. Sad sad >< I am a lion now. Wasai... 处女become狮子. What a big change. By the way, dont ask me why scorpio only got 6 days =X i've check through quite a few websites and they show the samething. Lol.. poor scorpio, gonna extinct already =/ What've you change into? XD Welcome to post any comment here or in my cbox. Haha.
Monday, May 18, 2009
This Sunday will be a BLAST!
I am so excited now!
Just went to change coupon in Taman Maluri just now. We met a kind taxi driver who looks like 吴忠明WuZhongMing haha. Yea I finally bought my jacket~! Cause now most classes at C405, so damn cold! Will die without a jacket!

Cant wait for this sunday!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Kena Tag!
01. Who was your last text from?
My cousin, Man-Man.
02. Where was your default picture taken?
My Puncak Banyan Condominium house at Cheras.
03. Your relationship status?
04. Have you ever lost a close friend?
Hm... They're still alive, just that our friendship somehow faded.
05. What is your current mood?
So-so. Yiks got classes tomorrow.
06. How many siblings do you have?
2 elder brothers.
07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names?
Yew Hui and Yew Chun.
08. Where do you wish you were right now?
Kuantan home. Unlimited food and super comfortable room.
09. Have a crazy side?
Who doesnt? Unless he's a nerd =X
10. Ever had a near death experience?
Almost drown at swimming pool when I was small. Anyway I am still alive here.
11. Something you do a lot?
Listen to music? Almost 24hrs include bath and sleep.
12. Angry at anyone?
No more. Yea. U know who... Haha
13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
Hmm... depends who is that.
14. When was the last time you cried?
Hm.. when I lost my handphone. In the bathroom. Dont tell anyone shh!
15. Is there anyone you would do anything for?
Sure. My family!
16. What are you thinking about when you are falling asleep?
What I want to dream about. Hehe. But everytime not the dream I want. = =
17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom~ She called me to confirm the fee thingy and remind me to drink more water, dont go crowded place because of the H1N1 cases~ I will be careful mom!
18. What is your favorite song?
Rachel 梁文音 - 爱得比较深!
19. What are you doing right now?
Chat with lame people and listening song XD
20. Who do you trust right now?
I trust myself!
21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Bought it from my 2ndary school Science and Math Club.
22. Have you kissed someone in the past week?
Quoted from Shawn: Yea I kiss bacteria!
23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
My housemates. Lol
24. Describe your life in one word?
25. Who are you thinking of right now?
Many person~ Shinn Yonn @ England, Berry @ Inti, family @ Kuantan, etc~
26. What should you be doing right now?
I should be doing my report, but i dont want to do it 1st~ XD
27. What are you listening to?
28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
My father. When I went back to Cheras.
29. Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Mee May I guess. She like to yell at people. Like BaoZhouPo. HAHA
30. Do you act differently around the person you like?
Especially infront of strangers or not-so-close friend.
31. What is your natural hair color?
Blackish-black. Lame =P
32. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
小S from PPS tv show. Pathetic I know =/
33. Who was the last person to make you sad?
Dont remember. Not much sad things happen recently.
34. What do you hear?
My room fan sound.
35. Is your hair curly or straight?
Straight but it curled when grow longer.
36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?
I don't think so.
37. Do you have a best friend?
38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?
Help my friend to climb the rocky path to my college. Count anot? haha
39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
Yup. they're cute and funny.
40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Yea~ Quite fun.
41. Are you happy with life right now?
Not bad. I don't ask for luxury thing. I like pasar malam thing
42. Are you currently jealous?
Yea. Jealous at those people with fast speed computer. = =
43. What jewelery are you wearing now?
I dont wear any jewelery.
44. What were you doing on friday night?
I forgot. Watch PPS?
45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yup. I am kinda emotional.
46. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Yes when I was young.
47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
Nope I guess.
48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
Dry and red-eye.
49. How late did you stay up last night and why?
2am+. Because.... I am sleepy. Lol
50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Biology I First Lab Session
Today I got biology I lab class~ I damn miss the lab coat! So long never wear ady! After I read through the lab manual, I thought today will be boring because its about microscope again. I remember everytime I do the microscope experiment also cannot see anything. Lol.
The specimen include onion cell, cheek cell, pond water, and 3 types of bacteria (E.Coli, streptococcus faecalis and Bacillus anthracil). Today don't know why I so easy get a whole big piece of onion epidermis, last time I scrap whole day also nothing come out. Haha, suddenly feel very proud of myself lol. The 3 types of bacteria very interesting, got pink colour 1 dont know why. So 'lala' the bacteria. Haha.
The most interesting part is the magical POND WATER! My group 1 not bad, can see chlamidomonas, with the moving cilia! First time I see until so detail. The funniest 1 is Kelly group, at first they say only can see small small organism, so I go see also lor. Then suddenly, I saw a organism like cockroach like that, swim very fast. Suddenly pop out wor, scare die me meh. Then they ask me why so big reaction. Then I call them see. Then all of them also shock when see the big organism swim through. Then we continue to see more and more organism...
Then got a few organism very cute sia! Keep spinning and spinning at the same spot. Then we thinking want to give name to the organism. LOL. Then somemore treat the organism like wishing star. So funny la. See until so exciting. Then we call Ms.Lai come and see. She also see until very excited. Then she make a conclusion... ''Your group water really dirty.'' HAHA!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
New Energy
I really like this sem, dont know why but I feel great when sitting 1st/2nd/3rd row, can pay full attention to what the lecturers say. At least it make me thinks that the sky-high fees is worth. Yea, not only me, I realise people around me also become more hardworking compare to the Foundation year.
Last time we always late late go class, almost everytime late. I don't know why, maybe it's magic, I wake up 1 hour before class and reach very early everytime to grab the front row seats. Maybe the good lecturers is one of the reason we change out attitude. Hmm...
Yea the only bad thing about me right now is I sleep too much, simply because there is nothing to do when no lectures. And I rarely play any game now, except those GBA game and web game. Not the addictive type. Every day reach home then sleep... Then wake up online awhile then sleep again... Well I think later I wont have so much time for nap, when the assignments and tests start.
Bye bye the lazy and always-sit-behind-and-chat YewHong! Bye bye the always-maple-and-gaming Yewhong! I feel NEW ENERGY inside me! Woohoo~
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Thanks, for taking care of me since I was born...
Sorry, for all the troubles I've caused...
Thanks, for reminding me when I did mistakes...
Sorry, for can't celebrate with you today...
Too bad I'm in Cheras now .__.
So what can I do is just call my mother this early morning and wish her 'Happy Mother Day'
I wish I could do more... Hmm.. maybe send a card back next year?
Have you wish your mummy too? Don't forget ya~
Sometimes I know we care about each other alot, but just we're not that type of people who always say I Love You~ But I really know you really care alot about me, everytime also call me drink more water, careful when going out etc... It's hard for me to say it out loud, but I really love you, I really do! =)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Buang Muka
Then I sit quite infront because I wanna concentrate
When Ms.Amutha came to the class, when she wanna start teaching using the projector, she realise the projector have not turned on yet, so she want to call a tall student to help her press the projector switch...
Then, I tried to avoid her x-ray eyes, but then I realise I sat EXACTLY below the projector, and the person around me all shorter than me, even though I am so short (So so so so lucky right?) When she ter-scan me, she asked me with a smile. Then I shake my head lor, because obviously I can't reach that height. Then my friends start laughing at me zzz~
I thought she will asked other person like Mandeep cause his taller and sitting infront of her. Mana tau... she asked me climb on the chair and try, aiyo, then I cant reject anymore lor... At that time my heart OS was: 'Impossible I cannot reach... Sure can reach the button wan...'
Yea I can reach~! I know what you guys thinking now. 'If can reach then what so buang muka leh?' When I sit back on my chair, then KZ told me:'TzeYing said you 露底~' (FYI 露底 means 'exposed my underwear') Waaaa... I sit the 3rd row ar.. That means the 4th,5th,6th...10th row also can see! Then I asked TzeYing, '露(exposed) until nice anot?' She said:'Not very nice oh... brown brown like that...'
Walao~No face ady laaaaaaaaa. Next time I dont want sit under the projector ady la~!
Let's Celebrate!
Today i went to singk at leisure mall again. But this is not the main point. The main point is...
When I was walking to the taxi station there, I discovered that a restaurant near UCSI zaplap/bungkus/balikkampung/bankrupt already. And I was so happy! Because the restaurant is this one! Finally zaplap after 10 months I cursed it for the bad service!
Yeah. All my juniors can enjoy good food now~ Let's celebrate!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
耶! 最担心的business终于出成绩了! 还算满意啦~ 今晚可以好好睡罗!
终于不用过那种‘睡前check成绩,起身check成绩,出门前check成绩,回家check成绩’ 的生活了~
p/s:我觉得全世界最幸福的歌! 无论心情怎样,一听到这首歌,看到她的笑容,整个人就幸福了起来! ‘无欲无求的心情,不会冷,不会心冷~’
1st Java Lecture
Today's my 1st Java lecture~ Learning how to make Java Mee~ The mee with eggs, cucumber, peanut powder...
Nola, just joking. It's Java Programming xD
Why do I wanna purposely make a post about this Java Programming lecture, even though there are still other subjects (Bio, Unichem & Calculus)?
Because... I think I like today's lecture! And I like the lecturer Ms.Amutha! She's kind, funny, friendly and interesting~ The way she interact with the students... It's just like she wanna make friends with you~ Hope she will keep her teaching style till the end of the sem!
Since long time ago I wanna learn Java Programming and the HTML, for me to edit simple layout on my blog, but I discovered it's super tough~ I hope after this sem I can design my own layout~ Wow that will be so nice!
Monday, May 4, 2009
First Day of First Semester of Degree First Year
Unable to update since last friday cause I went to Genting and KL with my family. So boring at Genting~~ Cause I am not 21 yet so I cant enter the casino with my parents. Guess what I am doing the whole afternoon? Play bowling alone, sing kbox alone, watch The Sniper alone~~ Feel quite akward.. but what to do~ haiz. But then quite happy that day also, cause after my parents went out from casino we went to eat Ah Yat Abalone! Wahaha. Nice, but I definately wont go there by myself.
Okay some review about The Sniper. Starring Edison Chen, Huang Xiao Ming and Richie Ren.
The story is about HXM accidentally kill someone during a sniper team mission, but none of his teamate include RR support him, so he end up tabao and pergi penjara. Then after he came out from the jail, he became crazy. He wanna revenge and help the criminals instead of the police force. EC is new in sniper team, with great potential, RR as his sifu. Can HXM beat the HK police? Can RR and EC capture the crazy HXM? Btw, HXM is crazy in this movie, he always see his dead ex-gf and the one he killed accidentally, and he talks to them. Kinda scary in a non-horror movie if you ask me. Not bad la this movie, at least it can kill some time in the boring Genting.
After that, we stay 2 nights in my eldest bro house in Serdang Baru, and pay a visit to my cousins and uncle, thanks for everything~ At Sunday morning, we went to CheongKei Dimsum to eat.. Somewhere near Taman Connaught pasar malam street. A lots of people eating there but I think the service and food there is good despite the not-so-comfortable environment. Back to Cheras~ >< Oh ya thanks James for wrapping my table haha. Kelly dont envy ok?
Damn the business result havent come out!! Wtf. Super scary everytime go check the result heart also stop 1 time. Pray that I'll pass! Today lectures got Calculus & Analytical I and University Chemistry I. Lol and Mr. Ong came back to teach us. He wore BLUE shirt finally, not white shirt everytime we saw him haha. Mrs. Alice Phua teach us for UniChem I. She looks quite good in teaching compare to the last few sems lecturer. And she told us our assignment on the 1st day we met her! Wait wait, the assignment is not a common assignment. We are required to create a new blog and post things about 'Chemistry in My Daily Life' lol. Need at least 5 post to get 15%. What to write? Lol... I think I need to squeeze my brain juice every 2 week for the post. I'll put my chemistry blog URL in the blog list soon.
By the way, swine flu is getting more and more serious~ Let's pray that it wont reach Malaysia~ Careful everyone~ Looking forward for tomorrow's class~