Yesterday, Shawn and Berry went to my house to study play i guess... And we cooked a damn nice dinner. Shall we let the pictures talk? =D

Shawn the terrorist aka LoZai.
Berry the PatLiongKam's wife aka Lo Po.
Well, that's all about yesterday. Let's talk about today.
I went to Midvalley with Shawn Berry KaiZhen just now, to watch OO7. Before I watch the movie, I thought the movie will be a boring and commercial film. Wah.. after I watched the movie, now I know IT'S REALLY BORING. I yawned several times in the cinema and I even listen to my mp3 for awhile due to extreme boredom. Perhaps I didn't watch the previous episode, that's why.

By the way, Munnie and Joanne, the 'hamsup' scene you two desperate for... for me, it's abit disappointing lol. He only hamsup with a kelefeh girl, not the main actress leh. Then i guess you two won't go and watch the movie already? =D
Before the movie, we actually went to play bowling. Since it's still early, we play the 'early bird promotion' 3 games for 10 bucks. Today's bowling was so fun. You know why?
See my marks!~ (Btw I am Lo Lou. Erm, I am not really Lo Lou actually, only in this game I am Lo Lou) 99! Dang... 1 mark to 100. sobs. Btw i am still happy cause it's my 1st time to get to 99. And this is my 99th post =D2nd round wasn't that good, 99 drop to 66. But Shawn did well, 97. Lol. Don't miss out Berry the Lo Po's marks. 12! JOANNE remember last time you get 21? She just broke your record! =D
Third round. Everyone scored low marks due to fatigue. Haha. But Berry the Lo Po improved a lot after Kaizhen the Lo Nui give some tips to her.
After that, I went back to Bandar Tasik Selatan and the others went back to their home. And guess what I saw in Midvalley Station?
Rakyat Malaysia sedang beratur! Saw that big-size guy in blue unifrom? He told us how to queue according to the stickers. Although firstly everyone queue, but as expected, when the KTM reached, some of them still rush to the front. Let's see when the stickers will be remove. Lol. I know what I said is discouraging, but KL people are so you-know-lah.
Phew, what a long post. I gotta get some drinks. Byeeeeee
great job on ur bowling results..cant believe that u score so good..haha..XD
christine: Haha. I am suprised at that time too. lol. thanks
ah yew hong, remember me? ktm member...hehe
the 007 really bored la!all my friends also cannot tahan de star rating(five as full)(i rate myself ge)
hungwui: ya of course i remember~ ya.. waste money go watch ar... lols.
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