I was surfing in Innit Nuffnang just now. And I was attracted by a post titled 'The Most Sickening Blog I've Ever Read!' Well thanks to BL (thread starter) I managed to view this SHAMELESS AND PERVERTED GUY's blog. You can click the link because there's nothing 18sx in the blog, it's just that... He's so cheap. Becareful when hanging out with friends especially you guys in Kelantan. He's such a pervert. Taking the other's picture without their notice and post it on blog.
Last but not least, congratulation to myself reaching 1ooth post! I know I shouldn't post this on my 100th post, but, I BEH TAHAN this pervert. Do you guys think he can be jailed or what?
Hey, the link is not functioning anymore due to this reason. This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service. Hmm.. I guess it's a good thing, but at the same time I feel quite disappointing as you guys cannot see how cheap is him already. =x
Alumni invitation program
2 months ago
tat guy really bull shit..n in d photo,d 1 tat sell bag,i noe her..i really feel of smacking tat stupid,rubbish malay guy!!i'm gonna kill him if i see him!!
yea! that's the spirit! too bad we dont know how he looks like! that girl who selling bag is your friend??
nope..is not my fren..is my dad's fren's sister..later whn i get back to kb,gona tell everyone to becareful of tat stupid guy..
oh i see... u becareful also ar.. cause u also amoi. lol
ha..ha..ha..thn i go back hometown canot wear so short ady..otherwise u will be seeing me in his CHEAP blog!!lol...
lol... eh if u check his comments (the last few ones) it seems like somebody report the police ady. Dont know will kena tangkap anot.
wow..i din read la..lazy..better he get tangkap n put him in jail..somemore get lash..tai sei!!!
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