Today, Nicole who usually stays in her house, decided to come over to stay in our hostel for one day to play and eat with us discuss about the assignments and reports. After sent KaiZhen back, me, mei mei, caglvine, nicole, christine, kelly went to eat dinner together~
After that, we went to Giant to walk walk because we were quite full~ and guess what?! I SAW PIKACHUUUUUU~ so christine say wana take photo for me haha.Because we
all are crazy cake fans wanna welcome Nicole to come to UCSI hostel, we all went to SECRET RECIPE woohooooooo ehem.
All the cakes look so dammmnn nice lor. But we choose very slow because dunno wana choose wad flavour we want to choose the biggest piece and cheapest cake. I want strawberry cheese and chocolate indulgence. Kelly want mango delight. Christine want chocolate indulgence and newyork cheese. Lastly we decided to choose this. TA DANG!
After that we sitting on the table and started to worry about the price... @_@
YEAH the cakess arrived, then as usual, we started to snap photos with the cakes. haha. And we were so freaking NOISY until the aunty and uncle beside us keep staring at us. lol.
The picture above shows how desperate kelly can be, just for the last piece of mango delight. haha.
(Theme song of shark)... RM21.75! That means RM3.60 per person. Not very expensive lar, happy mah can lor hehe.
p/s: If u think we are rich boys and rich girls who splurge money like rubbish, go get urself a life. We know how to enjoy life once in a while. Stop bugging with your so-called USE MONEY WISELY.
thank god im going to nilai. so i wont spend money like rubbish.. bUt different thing if i manage to escape to KL la..hehehehehe
lol...dose pic very funny~especially dat pikachu~wakaka!!!
jyolyn: yer. not rubbish lar. u spend it on movie oso rubbish lor then.
jinjin: haha me pro mah
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