Yes, I skipped my 3 hours java lecture at last saturday cause I wanna go back to Kuantan~ Many of my friends went back too, so it's worth to skip java cause maybe won't much opportunities to gather like this in the future. At first I wanna sit bus with Ting and Shinn, but my mom called my bro fetch me. So good ^^ Let me refresh back what I did from last Friday to Sunday...
At first sure must eat with family 1st la~ Family most important mah XD So I went to eat at Specky Guy with my family~ Finally got some good food eat~ And I ate lots of DURIAN and mangosteen~ Walao~ Damn nice la~ I should've eat more! ShinnYonn and TingYee stayed in my house for 2 nights~ And we have a gathering at Friday night, so I drove JiHong and SinMun to TC to meet the others. Firstly we go eat the-must-eat-dessert at Kuantan JELLY ICE~ JiHong and SinMun birthday at 30th June and 3rd July, so we celebrate their birthday along, so lucky and so good~ I also hope next time my birthday got so big gang of old friends celebrate with me T^T

Guess what cake we ate? Its Cheese Choc AGAIN~ I just ate the same thing that morning during Joanne's birthday celebration at Secret Recipe. Mana tau in the next 6 hours, I eat Cheese Choc again~ Siao @@ Normally I wil sapu the remaining of the cake 1, but this time eat until very 'zai' ady~ Haha. Then we went to the beach to sit~ Walao~ I damn miss the sand and the sea breeze~ So comfortable! That's why I love Kuantan more than KL, and I'm sure I'll always do =)

And then TingYee called JiHong to perform his poem which make him a champion at KBU poem competition. He was so into it until his hand shiver and so got feel~ Great job~ Then as usual we chat alot and take lots of pictures~ Talked alot with Grace and YongQian that night cause they sat beside me. Grace said she changed, but she still speaked very soft haha. But I can see she became more humour, she laughed when I told her the tsk tsk tsk cicak joke. Haha. Sometimes I really think when you're with a group of friends, chat is way better than watching movie or singk or whatever, simple but wonderful~!

After that I drove JinJin and JiHong back, ShinnYonn and TingYee back to my house. Walao~ JinJin house quite scary, not her house scary, but the small terbiar wooden house opposite her house. That time was around 12am, after she went into her house, I want make a U turn 1, but after my car light terpancar at the house, I was so afraid then I decide not to do the U turn. Lol. Don't why but the window and door and the emptiness of the house make me feel very scary.
Then later JunJun and Gabriel came to my house~ 5 people slept in 1 room~ We slept at 2 something I guess~ Ting Yee 'Uek uek uek' joke is super funny~ Finally I mastered it haha! Originally we wanna sleep until naturally wake up.. Mana tau that saturday SABS and SMART school (Did I told you my house is located behind 2 secondary school?) got ganti kelas~ The announcement very noisy = = So we woke up at around 11pm.. then I drove them to eat breakfast 牛腩面~(I really drove alot this 3 day haha~ To improve my driving skill mah)
Then saturday afternoon, I drove them (again) and SinMun to Megamall to play bowling~ Wasai~ Don't know why my skill degraded so much.. I only get 30+ and 60+ leh.. so damn cha~ Must go midvalley practice again!! I'll rematch with u nex time, TingYee! We bought ticket for Transformer 2~ Guess what.. 12.40am starts~ = = And you can't imagine how many people wanna watch TF2, from afternoon to midnite all full! So we need to sit at the 3rd row from screen..
Then when ShinnYonn went to the SABS prom nite, I watched 金曲奖 lor~ Then when reach 11pm like that, we went to Megamall to yumcha~ Meet Chee Yuan also~ Then when wanna start watch movie that time, I already half-dead, long time no sleep ady @@ Somemore I sit so infront, my head become very dizzy lor.. keep wanna fall asleep~ Then when got loud sound 'Bang!' I keep tio shocked. Lols, finally can understand the feeling of driving when mengantuk~ The movie is nice! Yeng~~ I so sleepy also think the movie is nice, so I assume that if I am not sleepy, the movie will be super nice. Hmm.
Watched until 3.30am.. then 4am only reached home, lucky is JunJun fetch.. If I fetch sure accident @@ Then the next day before went back SY and TY eat lunch with my family and I~ After my bro sent ShinnYonn to his auntie house, we heading back to KL T^T
That's all about my Kuantan 3 days holiday~ I love it! See you soon, my friends!

i love seaside...i miss seaside///^^
nex time if i visit kuantan,u shud guide me ar~~~
n treat me eat hao liao~~~
woo, yummy yummy~~~=)
sure~ haha. i treat u but u pay wor. XD
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