Poor Ah Shu... Sad sad.

Neh... You see that Ah Wah lar. Die until so not elegant geh~ Leg open so big~ Aiyoyo~ Learn abit from Ah Shu la~
I chose to 'tong' Ah Shu because Ms Lai said Ah Wah 'sap lap lap' (wet wet) geh~ And I have froggyphobia last time~ (Now I think I not so scare frog liao, cause I go and touched Ah Wah pumping heart @@) Other group got people don't dare cut Ah Shu lor, but don't know why my group member (Me, Kaizhen, May and Joseph) all so desperate 1 tong Ah Shu~ That's why need take turn~

Finally I know why in HK drama, the assistant need help the doctor to wipe sweat~ Don't know why I sweat although the room is cold. @@ Then we take turns to cut Ah Shu~ At 1st I really shivering like hell, but after awhile we all became so excited and what also dare to cut already~ The only thing we all very scare is the caecum. Where Ah Shu store its poo poo. Ms Lai said if anyone ter-poke the caecum, the lab will become so smelly that everyone will kill you. Lol.
Can you see from my eyes HOW SAD AM I?! Haizzzz
Ah Shu's body~ He die very peacefully.. Everyone no need be too sad~ T^T
I am crying over Ah Shu's liver! Ahh~~ Poor Ah Shu~
After playing studying finish all Ah Shu's body organ, we started to do something insane... For example, I pulled Ah Shu's testis out from his scrotum. Hehehe....

We also found Ah Bit geh body there~ So cute leh~ How can they dare to tong a so cute geh rabbit~?! If me I sure tak sampai hati~
Sometimes thing tends to become complicated if you're too popular~~~ Hais~
Don't fight liao~ Take together la~ Haha~ Kelly Ying and Me.
Kz, Ms Lai, Me and Shao Ni. Lol I looked stupid in this pic~ but got Ms Lai in it, so must post XDThe Heroes.
Ms Lai and us~ Left to right: YongXin, Kelly, Joseph, MsLai, Me, Ying, ShaoNi, Adeleen~
Yer~~~ i bushuang liao~ All say act yeng anc cool style.. Then when take photo that time only I do that pose ==
Wa~ See Ms Lai so yeng~~~
Don't know why... Since I tong Ah Shu last thursday, I feel so excited when my hand is soaked with fresh blood... Wahahahaha...
Next target... How will her blood taste like? Better becareful.. Waahehehee
Will you be the next?
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