Seriously, there were so much tests, exams, and presentations this month. Java midterm, bio mid term, bio presentation, java quiz 2, calculus mid term, calculus quiz 2, java assignment & presentation, bio quiz 2, chemistry assignment. CAN YOU IMAGINE ALL THESE NEED TO BE FINISHED WITHIN 1 MONTH? This is completely crazy~~!
I have not update for a long time because almost every week you got 2 quiz/test and reports and presentation. Now is almost the end of July, so what left are Java assignment and presentation (tomorrow), calculus quiz 2 and chemistry assignment (friday). Then I will have 1 week to rest! Erm.. not exactly rest, because next week is actually STUDY WEEK. For the coming final exam at August. = =
Anyway, I'll summarize what i did lately.
Biology Model Presentation
Well.. my group members are Christine Nicole KaiZhen Joseph SeeYee MeiKie MayMay. The model we built is Blood Component. Let the photos talk~
I have not update for a long time because almost every week you got 2 quiz/test and reports and presentation. Now is almost the end of July, so what left are Java assignment and presentation (tomorrow), calculus quiz 2 and chemistry assignment (friday). Then I will have 1 week to rest! Erm.. not exactly rest, because next week is actually STUDY WEEK. For the coming final exam at August. = =
Anyway, I'll summarize what i did lately.
Biology Model Presentation
Well.. my group members are Christine Nicole KaiZhen Joseph SeeYee MeiKie MayMay. The model we built is Blood Component. Let the photos talk~
Building model using newspaper and tissue~

Meikie Nicole me and Christine
Some funny thing haha.
1st slide~
During the presentation, me Joseph Christine Kz and Seeyee presenting. Then the question Mr.Vee asked is so damn difficult and 'liu lang' (Cantonese) == but I think I've tried my best anyway. I think I am so nervous but Kevin said I 'looked' calm. But I felt quite happy because I can speak louder now compare to 1st semester moral presentation. Well.. Practice makes perfect, so I hope in the future 2 years+, I can improve my presentation skills slowly before my final year project presentation =D
Christine presenting..
It's me~
It's me again.. since this is my blog. Haha~
Omg.. I don't know I looked so fierce and lansi when I don't smile @@ I was squezzing my brain juice to think how to answer the hard question la... thats why~ Hopefully no mark was deducted because of my pek chek face @@
Discussing time.. Sot de la.. ask 5 question at 1 shot.. how am I supposed to remember what you asked? -___- luckily my memory on that day not bad...
After the presentation, me Kz Christine and Nicole went to Old Town and met Xiong them. Xiong is one of my new friends in this semester, wonder why there are so few boys in Food Science class @@ But also got good point la, cause I can practice my leadership skills, since most girls are afraid to be the representative in a group. I believe it can be very useful in my future career. Hmm~
By the way, today I am so happy~! Because I did well in both of my java midterm and quiz 2~ Haha. I don't want to post the marks here, cause someone will say me lansi if i do so (u know who...) But I am very confuse with Java last chapter- Array @@ Hopefully I'll understand it more after I read about it.
After class, I went to discuss Java assignment with Nicole and Christine at a Nyonya Kopitiam near Nicole's aunty house. I ordered ABC and curry mee~ Yummy~ Sorry no pictures haha.
p/s: To everyone, what's in your hometown curry mee? I realise that KL's curry mee don't have yong tao fu, they usually put charsiew and chicken with the noodles, and they eat yong tao fu with rice @@ Cause in Kuantan all curry mee/ soup mee/ 'gonlou' mee all is eat with yong tao fu 1... and we eat char siew with rice... Lols, really weird. Haha~
Now, it's time to recharge! Final exam, I am coming! Be prepared!~
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