Thursday, June 18, 2009

Zombie Morningmare

Wasai... yesterday night I play game until 3 something only sleep, cause today no early class mah... So I expect I will play until very shuang and sleep until very full... Mana tahu, I dream something very scary... And it's so realistic and I can still remember!

I went to a very tall building (not sure whether it's hotel or shopping mall) with Berry, Joseph, Kaizhen and Shawn (the lucky chosen one to appear in my dream). Then we're going for a movie, a movie about zombie (the movie name is dont-know-'Hawk xxx'-what, is there really a movie like that in reality?) = =

The cinema is located at 16th floor. (16 is the keep-appearing-number in this dream.. should I go and buy toto with this?) So we take lift to 16th floor, except Shawn (I dont know why he didnt watch the movie, but in real life he is the one like to watch zombie movie! Maybe we boycott him in the dream XD) After we reach, we went out from the lift, and the light is 'blinking' and there're some weird sound like someone shouting... Then KaiZhen said she saw 'something' sitting on a chair, so we all very scare and go back to the lift again, and run to other floor...

Then...OH SHIT~ I left my bag there at 16th floor! So we all take the lift back to 16th floor... Then we realise that beside the lift got a TV showing the trailer la, thats why got light blinking and weird sound~ (Lol I know its lame...but thats what you call a 'dream') So we head to the cinema~ The movie starts abit only then I can't stand the disgusting scene so I wanna call Shawn and give him the ticket (looks like the ticket can be used to reenter the cinema @@) When I walk to the 16th floor lift again, I feeling not comfortable because there's no one there. So I climb stairs to 15th floor to take the lift.. Then I can't find 15th floor lift, so I went back to 16th floor...

Oh, I saw the lift door closing~ So I quickly run and a kind woman in the lift help me to press the lift button, so I manage get in the lift. She's those Arab-ish women who wear tudung but her skin is fair and her eyes are blue. I smile at her then she also smile at me.. She smile until half... then turn into laughing... Then she start shivering her body, her face become pale... Then her zombie teeth coming out! Wasai.. So she is the real zombie! I was like so damn scare in the lift!!! I can't do anything! I thought ''I'll REALLY die this time...''

Okay, stay tune for next episode, same time, same day, at green-kiddo! ^^
I was joking. The dream continue.

Then the women wanna come and do-what-zombie-do to me and I was like o_O and my leg shivering, so helpless! And the lift move so DAmN slow! Just about she wanna bite me.....

Ok then I woke up = = yeah lucky it's just a dream. But it was so realistic and dramatic, cause the Arab women don't look like a zombie AT ALL~ What this dream trying to tell me? Hmm.. Not to judge a book by its cover? Not to simply wholeheartedly trust anyone? Then when I trying to get out from my bed, I realise that my legs 'soft' liao~ See how realistic is this nightmare morningmare @@ Maybe because yesterday I read a blog post with the title 'How Garlic Chase Vampire Away' thats why I dream horrible dream. = =

p/s: Hopefully tonight won't have episode 2.. cause got java test tomorrow = =ll


Kevin Liang said...

omg~!! so scary la ur dream.. =-=
but it would be somehow exciting if it happens in real life! wohoo! resident evil! =P

Charles, Kevin, Yon, Chew said...

kevin: yalor.. most scary dream I had =_= I was still afraid when I woke up

Kevin Liang said...

you shud feel lucky that u din 赖尿 afterall.. LOL
otherwise, prepare to wash ur bed.. =X

cammie said...

say like tat la....
dun dai wai her blog...haha....

Charles, Kevin, Yon, Chew said...

kevin: yiu~ u tout i am u ar? so ez lai niao~

cammie: haha~ i purposely de mah! XD but maybe got relation also leh.. vampire and zombie. i actually help her to increase her blog traffic leh. should gimme promotion fee. haha

kee yin said...

i very innocent, dun wu lai me~
dunno wat happening

Charles, Kevin, Yon, Chew said...

keeyin: Haha~ Ur fault la~ make me dream so kongbu de thing~