Finally the exam week is over... so now i can do the taggie xD
1. Whats your ambition?
Earn MONEY!!! $$$
2. How often do you think of commiting suicide?
When I did something with lots of effort but still not work well.
3. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Depends on the situation actually...
4. How many babies you want?
Not sure yet. I am still young~
5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
I believed there is a rainbow somewhere else after the rain, but perhaps I won't see it everytime.
6. What is your goal for this year?
I wanna pass every subject and proceed to Year 1!
7. Do you believe in eternity love?
9. What feeling do you love most?
Hmm... sleeping is the happiest moment after a tiring day.
10. What are the requirements you wish from the other half
I believed if x love y, x will not care about any requirements, as love is blind.
11. Is there anything u wanna tell the ppl u hate?
Don't make me hate you more please.
12. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
I hope I can. But as time goes by, some will change...
13. What does flying means to you?
Human can't fly. If he can fly, means that he's a monster.(Quoted from FF7:Crisis Core)
14. What do you crave for the most currently?
Mapling mapling and more mapling.
15. Where would ur ultimate vacation spot be?
A place with less crowd, large green field with rabbits and cows, medium cold temperature, windy, comfortable bed and delicious food.
16. Describe the person who tagged u in 7 words.
A malay girl who listen JJLin's song. =D
17. What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
Think more happy things~
18. What will you become in another 10 years to come?
Don't know~ Only time will tell.
19. What is your lucky number?
25 and 9. Last time when I was small my dad used to ask me what number to buy when he going to play Roulette in Genting. 25 always win, and when he win money, we got good food to eat haha. 9/9/90 is my birthday~ of course its my lucky number.
20. What is your favourite food?
Sushi, kiwi~
Instructions : Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
1. Calvin
2. JyoLyn
3. Shawn
4. Edwinson
5. Berry
6. Christine
7. Mei Mei
8. Joanne
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tagged by Etsu
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
1st Self-made Dinner

1st Self-made dinner, SUCCESS!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My Bro's Convo
It was fun, not the convo of course
I cut my hair, and I was damn syok cause my relatives said I slim down already *looks at the ceiling and laugh* then my 2nd bro help me to set my hair... Hmm, I don't want to say this, but really looks nicer. HAHA.
See the photos if you can't stand my perasan-ness. HAHAHA

Started to camwhore due to extreme boredom. =P

Popo, Mummy, Me, Big Bro, Daddy, 2nd Bro, Ye Ye.
Well, that's all about it. Back to super wadevaaaaaa college life!
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Anyway, I wanna thanks Christine. She is the one who teach me at early 6.30am. If not, I might just screwed up another paper. Because i am quite blur at computing studies @_@
Now my mind is filled with RXY, RST, ROX, OST................ >_<
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sigh... Dying..
Today's account mid term was super hard. I didn't know to do at all. Everything in my mind blended together, I mix up T-accounts, Balance sheet, Trial balance, T&P&L account... The others calculate until gain profit but I loss... The others go and add I go and minus... For the 1st time I did an exam so poorly I guess...
Nuffsaid, I did it badly. And I missed out something, they said Q2 need to do balance sheet, but i didn't see it. Sigh... I hope I can get 10/30... D':
Monday, October 13, 2008
BuddY Campfire

In conclusion, this event was very nice and worthy! But all thanks to it, I slept at 4.30am. Dang...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Happy Birthday !
11th October is the birthday of one of the most important person in my life. Too bad I can't accompany him this year, for the 1st time. And I did something horrible today, I forget his birthday! =(
I am very concern about his birthday every year. Last month I asked my mum again when is his birthday. Sigh... Perhaps because of today's Malaysian Sudies Midterm examination, I was quite nervous and my mind was blank at that time. Luckily the exam wasn't that hard.
Just now mum called me and remind me about daddy birthday, then only I realise. Aww.. Then I called daddy immediately after I finally reached home (you won't believe this, I wait for the taxi for almost 2 hours!). Luckily he did not angry, phew...
Yay next next monday I won't go to college because I am LAZY my eldest bro convo is on that day. And most probably my parent will come and fetch me on Saturday or Sunday. ^^
Friday, October 10, 2008
Yesterday once more
Since form four, I started to play Maplesea. It was fun and addictive. I wanna to blog about my feeling now, the sudden urge to play back to real maple... Yup, in private server basically you get everything, mesos, items, every skill, godly damage, everything. So? SO WHAT? You don't have friends. Everyone playing like nerd, and no one will crap with you in PQ, no one will hunt item together with you. Only one song can describe my feelings right now...
Yesterday Once More (lyric was editted for maple haha)
When I was young
I'd play maple with my friends
Falling for my favorite game
When they played I'd played along
It made me smile
Those were such happy times
And not so long ago
How I wonder where they'd gone
But they're back again
Just like a long lost friend
All the skills I love so well
Every savage blow
Every holy symbol still shine
Every meso explosion
That I started to bomb so pro
When I was divorced
Where she's breaking my heart
It can really make me cry
Just like before
It's yesterday once more
Looking back on how it was in years gone by
And the good time that I had
Makes today seem rather sad
So much has changed
It was private servers
That I addicted to them
And I forget maplesea
The old maplesea
Still sound so good to me
I can't believe I so bad
Every lucky seven
Every hyperbody still shine
Every puppet and blizzard
That I starting to use
So fine
All my best memories
Come back clearly to me
Some can even make me cry
Just like before
It's yesterday once more
I will be back, MapleSEA!
Last time, I thought everything I learned in Form5 can give back to the teacher, or burn all the notes and text books with the rubbish dump, now I realise that I was too naive at that time. Because, MALAYSIAN STUDIES=SEJARAH.
I am pretty sure that almost 60% of Malaysian students hate sejarah. The only thing good about sejarah is, it's the most natural lullaby for human being as it does not produce any harmful radioactive rays/light (ah, wadevaa u call it) to human. And I don't know why, but sejarah text book was a very good pillow during my school time. Haha.
Since I started to study sejarah, I asked myself many times, why must we study sejarah? Why must we memorize all those facts that's not really useful? But now I've gave up. We must study sejarah because the government want us to study, because we want to pass the exam, because everyone did, because of kiasu-ism. Pathetic isn't it?
Well, I guess that's why everyone hates sejarah. And tomorrow is my Malaysian studies mid term examination. duh.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Heroine of the day!
After we all discussed about SiWong, we decided to give back to the pet shop owner. When we asked her about SiWong's hair problem, she said will grow back one... *Grow back her head la.. see it becoming worse still want say will grow back...* But she still accept it since we did not ask for any refund. Well, at least the big problem solved..
After that, I went to Fook Seng Restaurant for dinner with Berry and Joseph. When I am walking back to Puncak Banyan Condo (the place I live now), I managed to pass through the Angkasa Condo guard station. Ehem, before I continue, I should show you guys the path from Angkasa Condo to my condo, and you will know why I have to pass through Angkasa Condo.
Actually there is another path to go to my condo, that is to walk the long and high stairs to the other side, but it's super tiring. That's why I lost 2kg. Haha. Normally the Angkasa Condo entrance guard station is easier to pass through compare to the exit, anyway, I don't know the reason. So every morning when we coming from Puncak Banyan Condo to Angkasa Condo, we have to walk the stairs.
Okay, my story continues. Then when I walked towards the Angkasa exit, the guard blocked me at the exit. He spoke English firstly but seriously I cannot understand what he talking about. Then he spoke in Malay, 'Tanpa resident card, kamu tak boleh masuk...'
Suddenly, someone SHOUT behind me. It's a woman, I guess she is 30 something. She scolded the guard very loud.
'Why we can go in from there (angkasa entrance) but cannot come out from here (angkasa exit) ?!'
'You don't purposely waste my time I tell you, I already told the management then they said still in processing!'
'If you want to block us, you should do it at the entrance, not the exit!'
'You don't talk so much and waste my time!'
Then she just langgar the guard and I followed her also. She really very yeng! HAHAHA. It's so fun when the guard have nothing to said. By the way, I thinks what the woman said is absolutely correct. Why didn't block us at the entrance but the exit? That means, if I go in Angkasa and rompak somebody, then I wanna go out, you don't let me to go out but want me to go in and rompak somebody else again? Don't make any sense right?
Then the woman told me, 'You no need to scare one, they purposely want to make trouble one, if you can get through the entrance then u can go out from here, this type of people you must be more fierce then him one.' After that she even scold the guard in Puncak Banyan, so cool la wei! Haha. She's my idol!
Messy Day
Yesterday night, I was watching drama 'Miss No Good' (Bu Liang Xiao Hua) with my housemates, haha, a very funny drama. Although I knew today I need to submit my Physics report, I kept procrastinating until the very last minute.
I thought Experiment 1 report will be easy to do.. mana tau........ The conclusion is 'I didnt sleep at all'. So you can imagine how I looked like, and how 'layu' I was, especially during lecture class. Actually I managed to finish the report earlier, but I want to watch drama and do report at the same time, hmmm... that's why...
Finally! I can went back home after Physics Lab. I tabao-ed a chicken rice but I was too tired so I slept off at around 6pm. Then I woke up at 10.30pm to eat my chicken rice. HAHA. If not because of the chicken rice definately I wont wake up. =P
Well, tonight I planned to sleep earlier, but since tomorrow don't have morning class, hmm... later only sleep lah. xD
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What happened to Si Wong...
Yesterday night I had a very nice steamboat and gathering with my friends in Kuantan. Firstly I wanna blog about it, but when I reached KL just now, I saw Si Wong, and I was SHOCKED. My happy mood suddenly flew away, leaving the sadness behind...
He's still here, of course. But he looked so weak and not energetic at all. When I looked at him closer, I realise that some of his fur around his neck and legs are gone, and there's definately something wrong with his skin, it's like dried wound. Around his neck, ears, legs... I felt so sad. I don't know what's wrong with this bunny, but I think it's infected with some diseases....
I still remember that day, when Berry told me that there's no hair behind the neck of Si Wong. We asked the pet shop owner, she said it will grow back. But until now, it's becoming worse instead of growing back. Is this means... we are cheated? Is Si Wong really a healthy rabbit when we bought it? I felt crestfallen, what should I do, or what can I do...?
I really took care of him with lots of love, feed him everyday, and clean him every week... I dare to say that I never did anything wrong to him. I don't know why these would happen... Or perhaps it's fated that I should not keep a pet? I really don't know how to do... Let him continue to sick and suffer? Let him go himself? Give back to the shop owner? I feel lifeless......
Edit: Shawn found the problem. It's most probably something known as fur mites. I'll call Edwinson to bring it to the vet later. Hopefully it will be ok..
Friday, October 3, 2008
Today, because JunJun, Sookmun and Sinmun no transport, they called me to fetch them to Teluk Chempedak to have breakfast with Thongyang and Yuanting. Well, my driving skill was so you-know-la... So I called JunJun sat beside me to teach me about anything I did wrongly.
Phew, luckily we managed to reach TC at last. You know what's the first sentence my friend said when she reached? 'Yeah, reach safely!' Ehm... that was pretty discouraging. So we went to walk walk around the beach and ate breakfast at KFC.
After that, guess what? I drove to east coast mall! Haha. We bought nothing there, I wonder when will the Red Box open.. When my friend told me that don't know MPK or what maybe won't give license to east coast mall to open redbox, I was like 'HAR?!' Red Box at least is healthy and 'clean' place mah, if like that also cannot open, then how can Kuantan improve? Seriously ki siao... Eat rice until kenyang nothing to do izzit?
Then i fetch sinmun back too. Haha. But the journey was kinda dangerous also, i guess i need to practice more! =D
p/s: btw, anyone knows why my cbox suddenly drop down there..? Any solution? Weird..