I have not update for a long time because almost every week you got 2 quiz/test and reports and presentation. Now is almost the end of July, so what left are Java assignment and presentation (tomorrow), calculus quiz 2 and chemistry assignment (friday). Then I will have 1 week to rest! Erm.. not exactly rest, because next week is actually STUDY WEEK. For the coming final exam at August. = =
Anyway, I'll summarize what i did lately.
Biology Model Presentation
Well.. my group members are Christine Nicole KaiZhen Joseph SeeYee MeiKie MayMay. The model we built is Blood Component. Let the photos talk~

Meikie Nicole me and Christine
Some funny thing haha.
1st slide~
During the presentation, me Joseph Christine Kz and Seeyee presenting. Then the question Mr.Vee asked is so damn difficult and 'liu lang' (Cantonese) == but I think I've tried my best anyway. I think I am so nervous but Kevin said I 'looked' calm. But I felt quite happy because I can speak louder now compare to 1st semester moral presentation. Well.. Practice makes perfect, so I hope in the future 2 years+, I can improve my presentation skills slowly before my final year project presentation =D
Christine presenting..
It's me~
By the way, today I am so happy~! Because I did well in both of my java midterm and quiz 2~ Haha. I don't want to post the marks here, cause someone will say me lansi if i do so (u know who...) But I am very confuse with Java last chapter- Array @@ Hopefully I'll understand it more after I read about it.
After class, I went to discuss Java assignment with Nicole and Christine at a Nyonya Kopitiam near Nicole's aunty house. I ordered ABC and curry mee~ Yummy~ Sorry no pictures haha.
p/s: To everyone, what's in your hometown curry mee? I realise that KL's curry mee don't have yong tao fu, they usually put charsiew and chicken with the noodles, and they eat yong tao fu with rice @@ Cause in Kuantan all curry mee/ soup mee/ 'gonlou' mee all is eat with yong tao fu 1... and we eat char siew with rice... Lols, really weird. Haha~
Now, it's time to recharge! Final exam, I am coming! Be prepared!~