Because today is weekend, normally I'll just cook myself at home or call delivery, very lazy to go out mah~ Then evening that time, Christine called us to go out eat, so Fusheng Christine and me went to Restaurant HupHei to eat. After eat, you know la.. my habit... I always listen to my handphone's songs when walking (I know it's bad) So I took my handphone out and...
Then suddenly I saw a motorcycle very close to me, I thought the driver cannot balance so I dodged, and guess what. The driver trying to grab my handphone! Walao eh. Then he can't grab it and the phone dropped on the ground.(I guess I wasn't that bad luck huh?) Then they ran away. I looked at them, both of them are young malay guys! I am a really careful person, if i am alone and at night. I can't imagine these people will do things like that in day time, and I was with my friends. And there are many people and shops on the road side. Oh my~ What world is this.
Last time, when MengJun told me CheeSiang's wallet rob by a malay guy in ktm, he told me CheeSiang's reaction was: 'He just stand there for few seconds, not trying to catch the thief, then only tell the others somebody stole his wallet.' That time I wonder why he won't straightaway catch the thief or call for help.
Now I know. Because when my handphone dropped on the ground, what I thinking was:'What's wrong with these people pushing others phone?' LOL. It's true!!! I only realise they wanna grab my phone after a minute. Ridiculous isn't it? When it happens on the people around us, we will always say:'Aiyo, should kick his motor down mah!' 'Why don't shout or call for help?' Let me tell you what, YOU REALLY NEED EXPERIENCE.
Now what? I can't do anything~ There are two types of people in this world.
The first type: 'Why they will do pathetic things like stealing? Something wrong with his mind or he's facing some difficulties to force him to do things like that? I hope he can turn a new leaf and go back to the right track.'
The second type: 'F**k la! Most hate people do things like this! Hope they meet accident and die!!! *$@!$!%!#!@#
YES I AM THE SECOND TYPE HAHAHAHA. Good luck robbers. *Curse Curse Curse*
Anyway, my phone is ok, I am fine don't worry about me. (If anything happens to me, Christine must be super regret because she is the one call me to go out haha joking) Thanks to the two robber they were too stupid. By the way, don't tell my parents if you know them, I don't want them to worry. Next time I know what to do. Firstly, KICK THEIR ASS! Second, throw stones if you can't kick them. Thirdly, remember the plat number and report to the police.
Alumni invitation program
2 months ago
yer..wanna blame me somemore ah..juz want u have have a better dinner instead of owaz cook bihun mar..haiyo..anyway,u r i don have to regret..hahahahahahaha..
Christine: yalor~ should sponsor me go see psychologist ar~
i dont think u need a psychology treatment lo, wasting money only... look ur face also noe u r ok la...anyway mayb the robber need the treatment more than u lo XD...lelele
meemay: siao ar u~ u where got see dao my face.. that two malay go bang accident die better.. this type of people live lui kai fong~! ==
you r not a psycho yet..wait until you are,thn i will automatically send u to tanjung rambutan..haha..XD
christine: waa~ so bad so bad~ no need u send, i go myself~ up my money to send u there..u r so good..haha..
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