Yes this is a bilingual post.
Unbelievably, I like to exercise lately in UCSI gym, playing badminton, the running machine and pingpong also. Dang.. If I discover this hobby earlier, I might be taller. Hoho~ But I like to eat a lot after sweating, so maybe it's quite hard for me to slim down =x
*Flashback* Father:'Nutritionist not all fit fit de meh? You like that how to convince people oh?'
Aiks.. nevermind.. still long way to go.. I still can fat 3 years. HAHAHA. Ok, talk about fats.. today me Joanne Edwinson Christine and Nicole went to KFC for lunch. We walked so far so i guess most of the calories burned liao (hope so). Cheesy wedges still ROX~! Woohoo~
Another unbelievable thing is I finished my assignment 2 days before the submit date (today). So yesterday, while most of my housemate rushing the assignment, I was relaxing~ haha.
Today business lecture was such a... such a super excited lecture. Firstly Ah Gil asked us whether prefer a test or group presentation. Then I choose presentation because no need study mah, moreover his test is not the 'AlanHoo-ish' type, his test is 'Ms.Irene-ish' type. You know what I mean.
Then he started to say 'I know why you guys want presentation, because no need study. Blah blah blah etc~' 'The group list is already out in the notice board.' WHAT?!~ Aiyer.. Ask us choose but actually he got his choice already... sweat lah.. This is what we call 假民主(fake democracy)lol~ =x
Then he started to go through the group list.. We were like damn scared because we dont want to be in the same group with the other course student. Not because of racist, not because of selfish, is because it's really hard to cooperate with people who do not match time with you.. Hard to arrange meeting and discuss. Buddha bless me~! Luckily I was arranged in the same group with Christine, James, Dai Ka Jie, Joseph, Chloe, See Yee and Kae Wei. I know everyone except KaeWei and guess what. 2 of them are my housemate. Haha. How lucky I am~!
You know what. People always say that when you feel very very lucky, the bad thing started to come.. And it's true! My cousin asked me whether want to go Jogoya (Rm88+ buffet).. but then the time is next tuesday 5pm.. I GOT BUSINESS CLASS~! Dang dang dang! T^T My oyster, my sashimi, my tempura, my haegan dazz icecream, my seafood~~~ all fly~ Sobsob.
Anyway I think I have better luck than kaizhen. She was grouped with a chinese and all africans. Well, I don't know whether this is good or BAD. Good luck~ lol.
上天不会把所有的坏事赐给你。。。这是我坚信的东西。在你失去了一些东西的时候,或许,你也在无形中得到一些。。领悟也好,教训也好,都是人生中的起伏,并没有好与坏。。只是看你怎样看待。我想,我渐渐学会‘看透’的真理。呵呵。很多人说,我会不会觉得可惜? 我想。。我选择接受上天给我的一切。一样东西注定会失去,别像傻子般盲目地挽留。当时的你觉得应该这样做,就做吧。别想太多。我并没有放弃,只是觉得应该顺其自然。时间久了,就会发现没什么大不了。有一位老师告诉我:‘当你更成长了,就会发现这些事情一点也无所谓。’ 我觉得我慢慢明白他这么说的原因。呵呵。学会接受,才是‘看透’。
Alumni invitation program
2 months ago
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