Everyone who knows me well will notices that I am always a clumsy, forgetful person.. yea u're right. Athough most of my friends always remember my birthday, I still need Friendster reminder most of the time~ My memory sucks~ You know that right? If I forget your birthday or any buddy birthday, please forgive me T_T And please remind me if someone's birthday coming soon... I don't remember your birthday doesn't means that I don't love you guys~ Muakss
I just browse through Friendster Birthday... So...
~Happy Birthday YongXin (22nd Feb)~
Thanks for being so funny at college~ And continue to develop your retardness~!

~Happy Birthday JunJun (25th Feb)~
Goodluck flying abroad next year~ (or this year?) >.<
Miss you lots~ Sorry can't meet you during CNY.. Cepat plan 1 gathering la~ xD Hope to see you soon!
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