积分赛进行了两个星期。。感觉她好像碰到了瓶颈。。虽然暂时排名落后,但是相信还有很多人会支持她的。看到她哭得那么自责,好心疼 =( 参加比赛真的不是件容易的事。。。全球的观众都在看,难免会有很大的压力。。。其实我觉得当一个歌手最重要的不是什么技巧或爆发力,而是感情和态度。。。
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Today after CE class, me James and Kelly went to Neway singk~ Really thanks them, accompanied me when i feel bad, if not I have to stay rotting at home. Arigatou~
We sang a lot of sad and excited song to 发泄 today, like 世界末日,bad boy,失恋无罪shout until no voice haha~ At least it make me feel better~ Throw everything away! 1st time sing until so tired and we went back before the time ends lol.
Kelly's sick now. Her stomach very pain and she vomit alot. Sorry~ Maybe because she sang after eat... Hope you recover soon~
失望啊~ 有时候,你认为对你最好的人,其实也不一定会长久。最关心你的人,或许只是顺便问问吧? 最信赖的人,也可能会有说谎骗你的一天。在别人身上放感情,有如投资股票。一不小心就会输到倾家荡产。要保护自己,只好做一个冷漠无情的人。我会努力变成一个冷漠的人。。。希望我可以。。
现在的感受。。。 '流浪记'
Monday, February 23, 2009
梁文音-我不是你想像那麼勇敢 MV
'I Am Not As Brave As You Imagine' Very nice song~ The MV very creative also.. Enjoy~
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Something to say about February
Everyone who knows me well will notices that I am always a clumsy, forgetful person.. yea u're right. Athough most of my friends always remember my birthday, I still need Friendster reminder most of the time~ My memory sucks~ You know that right? If I forget your birthday or any buddy birthday, please forgive me T_T And please remind me if someone's birthday coming soon... I don't remember your birthday doesn't means that I don't love you guys~ Muakss
I just browse through Friendster Birthday... So...
~Happy Birthday YongXin (22nd Feb)~
Thanks for being so funny at college~ And continue to develop your retardness~!

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hey guys~ Make sure visit my blog more often cause I think I will become more active updating lately. Hoho. You know la... So many people want to know about me, want me to update, bwahahaha. Another reason is I can get my NuffNang cheque soon if I update more
Yesterday Business test so damn hard laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... Especially the 'Mini case-study', how am I going to know whether the double-income family in US will increase/decrease?? Most of the question is general knowledge... I didn't read newspaper... Can die liao lor this time...
Today is a weird day. I woke up at 9.30am. So early leh. I also shocked when I looked at my watch lol. Anyway the main point is not I woke up early, the main point is...
Today got 2 people called me. Both of the number I also don't know. Then both of them asked me to guess who are them. I won't tell about the content anyway. xD What a weirdo day. I am sinked in a dilemma now.. What should i do..~
Today and tommorow will be 'Spagheti Day'. I bought a packet of spagheti and Giant brand sausages cause cheap to endure my weekend~ Seasoning is black pepper from McDonald. LOL. Wise customer mah... Must take all the benefit la since their burger and fries so expensive =P
And shit... I am broke now~ Because of the McD promotion, I've ate more than 5 times McD this month... Damn... Mr.Fat and Mrs.Diabetes coming to find me...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Hi Malacca~
Guess what? It's an update from me! =D
Stop slapping yourself, it's not a dream~ Lol. Really lazy busy lately...
Last thursday I went to Malacca with Shawn Berry and Kz. I don't know why I am going there actually. I just accompanied Shawn n Berry to MMU. This late update is due to someone who give me the photos very late. =x
We went there by bus, around 2 hours journey. Such a pain in the ass. @@ Then when we reach there, I started to feel itchy. Because Malacca has many 古迹, Guji guji guji~ Make me so itchy. Funny right? I think of it myself~ Bwahaha. At least TzeYing thinks it's funny. xD
After reached there, we took bus to MMU. It's the 1st time I sit such a lousy bus. No need go genting.. Here also got roller coaster. Almost nak kena Parkinson Disease already cause the bus was shaking all the way. MMU is big but I still prefer UCSI. Then Berry and Shawn meet up with their friends and blah blah blah. After the boring part, we took taxi to Mahkota Square, the town area. Berry's friend secretly paid the taxi driver without telling us. Such a nice guy.
Then we start searching for place to stay. The 1st one was creepy and old looking. And expensive. Then we found another one, Hotellier I guess. The boss looked friendly and we saw many people staying there. Price is very cheap =D
After that we start searching for Satay Celup. Capitol Satay Celup. It's basically something like LokLok but the soup is satay sauce. Quite ok. I bet satay lover will love this. Some pics.

Tips: The chaplang-er a chicken rice shop, the nicer its food.
Not bad. Rice not very hard, chicken very soft and fragrant.
Red House~
Then we go back at 2pm~ I really want to go to the business class.. but too bad can't make it =( Phew~ Such a long post~! 3 more hours to Businness MidTerm. LOL why am I always updating at busy time? =x Sayonara~ Za ne~