I always wanted to blog, but lately the workloads are getting more and more.. Assignments, lab reports and midterm quizes started to pile up... @@ Ok let's talk about what I did this week... XD

After that we went to buy clothes... I bought 1 pants only because we only got like... 2 hours+ to shop~ Got another pants I like, but it costs RM80! Short pants only leh.. So expensive.. I think very long at last I decided don't buy first.. wait next week... After Zack sent Dunkin back, me and Kevin went to Zack and Enoch's house, cause its still too early to go to pasar malam~ They play DotA~ I wanted to learn how they play but it's too complicated to me haha.
Zack said he wanna sleep for AWHILE 1st.. See his blanket.. So wild! HAHA.. Ok so he end up sleeping from 7 until 9 something @@ Then we went to pasar malam.. walk walk eat eat.. takoyaki all those lor... And before we walked back, I saw a pants.. 90% same like the RM80 pants I saw in Times Square! RM45 only! So I bought it~ 赚到~ lucky I didn't buy the RM80 1.. if not... I sure vomit blood! Need 汤鸡还神 liao... =D
Seriously I don't wanna go pasar malam anymore in the next 2 months! Sucks! Human-traffic jam until don't know like what... So crowded! I was sweating as if I am in a sauna room! =.= We went to Lesley's house at 11 something... Jesse was there too haha.. And I met a new friend, LengJie. She is Lesley's roomate. Very easy-going and friendly :D We chat until 12-1AM like that @@ Then Zack fetch me back to Puncak Banyan... Kevin wait for his mum at my house.. So damn tired! After Kevin back and I finished my bath, its already 2.30AM! I can't imagine I went out for 15 hours! I repeat, 15 hours! From 9am till 1am! And the next day I need to wake up at 8.20AM~ Pengsan liao ~~~~
Oh ya.. I wanna blog about today's Food Quality Management replacement class.. Finally~~ Food Module starts! Meaning that we'll start to study about Food (finally!) For those who didn't come to today's lecture, you sure will regret :P because today we had SOOOOOOOOOOO much FUN!
We learned about sensory evaluation today, which means evaluate food using the 5 senses (sight, smell, taste, sound, touch). So Ms.Carolyn firstly gave us some flavoured paper strip dipped in difference type of essence and asked us to guess what's the flavours~ The flavours are rose, mango, banana and vanilla~ Haha... I managed to get 3/4 correct~ So pro my nose! XD
Then Ms.Carolyn took out 2 cups of drink and ask volunteers to guess what's the flavour~ Enoch and Corliss went out... Corliss guess her cup of drink correctly, it was peach tea.. Then Enoch drink drink drink... drink very long also cannot guess HAHA. Then after Ms. Carolyn said it was Lychee, everyone boo him (in a joking way la) hahaha~ Lesley's gang kutuk him 'So obvious, like that also dont know!' Poor Enoch XD
Think thats all? No~! The best part going to start now! Ms.Carolyn took out potato chips, cadbury chocolates and mentos! Eating at the lecture 光明正大 for the first time.. LOL! She called us to write down the attritube of the food in terms of the 5 senses. I did wrote them on a paper, but i notice most of us just eat only! HAHA! Very fun lecture~! I like FQM because Ms.Carolyn really put effort (and money too!) to make the class interesting... We were eating and laughing most of the time~
A great day indeed!
hahaha u did bathed super long lor~ bath until 2:30am.. =.=
anyway, i also dun wanna go that pasar malam for the next two months liao! super suffering larrr! zzz
and, i agree with you, ms carolyne's class is interesting and interactive enough.. =) *thumbs up*
if our dr.lee.. can ever be like her, i think nobody would fail his subject anymore.. =)
kevin: ya la.. so damn dirty leh. wear same cloth for 15hours and sweat so much... @@ ms carolyn ftw!
I do like reading your blog. Amazing!
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