Today after Business Statistic tutorial ended, Zack called me, Kevin and Enoch to go to 118 Food Court to eat.. I wanted to go at the first place, because i wanna order the roast chicken + roast pork rice, cause I saw Joseph ate last week and it looked nice!
But things always don't go the way which you've planned =P Munnie, Joanne and BeeLay came to grab our people, Joseph, to go Sakae Sushi to 'lou sang' with them... I was trapped in a dilemma @@ I wanted to go to 118 to save some money, since the food is cheaper... but Sakae Sushi Lou Sang seems very attractive... XD And the three girls kept 'aiyo.. go lah, once in a year!' etc etc...
So, at last, me, Joseph, Shawn, Kevin, Joanne, Munnie and Beelay went to Leisure Mall Sakae Sushi. Haha. Zack, Leslie and Enoch went to 118, they called us to shout their name when lou sang, and WE ACTUALLY DID THAT!
Food time! I ordered some sushi, a beef ramen, and the MOST IMPORTANT ---- LOU SANG! For the first time I lou sang with friends, and for the first time I tried Japanese style lou sang. It's very nice!! Not too sweet! Quite reasonable as well for the big portion..

Shawn yawning, Joseph eating, and Beelay ordering~ Have you notice that Sakae sushi's way to order food? Use mouse and computer to order one, damn IN lol

Kevin and Shawn (again)

Munnie showing her rabbit teeth and Joanne playing with her camera~

The Lou Sang... VERY VERY NICE! RM38.80.. Approximately RM5.50 per person... Consists of Salmon, egg, mushroom, seasoned seaweed, cucumber, fried crab stick slices, sesame, pickled ginger, fried tempura batter (in small bits, very crunchy!)... As you can see, it's different with the chinese lou sang... But actually I prefer this =P

FINALLY finish lou-ing.. HAHA... Eating~

By the way, there was a very funny incident.. After we add all the ingredients.. then we started to lou... lou lou lou till half.. Suddenly...
Beelay asked :'' Why so dry 1 ar??''
Everyone:''.................'' *Look at the sauce*
Hhaahaha... We forget to pour the sweet sauce! XD So we have to lou again.. But it's fun haha!

My beef ramen! Seriously this taste great! RM14.90... Still okay, because there's alot of beef as you can see~ Content: Very thin beef pieces, fish cakes, mushroom, vege, egg. The ramen is very chewy.. the soup is not too salty... I love it! The egg is very special... The egg white is completely cooked and hard, but the egg yolk still soft.. I wonder how they cooked it? Haha..
Aiyo.. after try Sakae Sushi today, I don't know whether Zanmai nicer or Sakae nicer, haha.. But both better than Sushi King~ I will give Sakae Sushi a rating of 8/10! Thumbs up!
After that, we went to watch [72家租客], a chinese new year comedy... I wanted to go the Ah Pek class at the first place.. really.. but most of them don't wanna go.. so it's abit 扫兴 if I strongly insist that I wanna go to class... =x Sorry Ah Pek~ Alright, excuses! I admit =.= But I never skip class before (for this semester), so one time is ok =P
Ok, talk about the movie.
At first I thought this movie won't be really funny, because for the last few years, the hongkong new year movies weren't that impressive.. But this is an exceptional case! Hahah.. really funny la... we laughed so loud! And there were a few scenes where some of the audiences actually clap their hand because it's too 经典! Undoubtedly, the funniest part is when XiuTouHong met SekKin in the charchanteng, and they use the chili sauce, kicap, and sugar to make up! HAHAHAH!!! I can't stop laughing when I saw XiuTouHong used sugar as her eye shadow! XD
Today I really enjoyed myself a lot! And I am going back to Kuantan tomorrow! Yay, I am ready for Chinese New Year!
Gong Hei Fatt Choi everyone~~~~~~~~~
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