Yesterday was really a special day for me, once in a life time! Cause it's my 19th birthday on this special date 09-09-09, cool right? All thanks to my daddy and mommy for giving me an easy-to-remember birthday! =D I've been waiting for this day to arrive for so many years, haha!
p/s: By the way, yesterday morning I heard a bad news from Ms.Lu, my UniChem2 lecturer MsRachel was quarantined because of H1N1, such a shocking news! Hope she'll be fine! =(
Alright back to the main topic. I received many sms from my friends especially my Kuantan friends, some of them were studying for their exam the next day, but they still wait until 12am to wish me.. JyoLyn too, she never forget to wish me even though she's at oversea now. Thanks a lot~! And Berry.. Lol.. She purposely drove to Puncak Banyan to gift me a Durian Cheese Cake from Secret Recipe at around 11pm~ Really damn suprise la haha. Yummy!
This morning at class so many of my classmates wished me happy birthday~ I can't list all of them out, but thanks a alot! Really appreciate it~ =) Before this Kaizhen actually called me go GreenBox after class, but after the class end, everyone disappeared! So I called everyone but none of them listen to the phone, so bad~ Then when I saw Tiffany, she asked me whether got people celebrate with me, I also don't know how to answer @@
Then I saw YongXin and Kelly waiting for the shuttle bus at Block C, so I purposely called YongXin and asked her where she is. You know what she answer? She said she's at Block D~ Then I asked her again: 'Block D got shuttle bus sit de meh?' Then she like very nervous :' Erm we going to Leisure Mall later.' So bad laa. I told her: 'You looked behind awhile.' Then she purposely don't want look at me. Hmph... Then I found Kaizhen them, so we went to Block D to eat lunch. Luckily I met Kaizhen, if not I really thought no one gonna celebrate with me and I will go back house myself @@
After the lunch, Shawn, Joseph, Xiong, Nicole, Christine, Kaizhen and me went to GreenBox, Sg. Wang. 
Joseph, Nicole, me, Shawn and Xiong, on LRT~ Although it was a happy day but also must wear mask~
After reached then I saw Kelly and YongXin inside lor, I knew it! With YH muffins! Cool~
And it's time to change my pencil case also hehe. And I no need to wear National Service belt to college again haha. So cool cause I get 2 birthday cards! Never imagined so many people will write the cards, thanks again!
Singing time! I was so excited because the very much anticipated voice -
Mr.Shawn is going to sing! Cause he promised me wanna follow us go singk since last year but never done it. Haha. Finally he accomplished his mission! Salute to you! ^^ Nice voice by the way! My new friend Mr.Xiong also~ First time singk with him~ He sang very well too~ Very happy already can listen two new voices hehe. I am not going to praise Mr.Joseph if not he'll become too proud later haha. Oh guess what? All of us made the GreenBox member card. Why? Because got promotion, it's FREE~ Kinda lucky huh? =P
Joseph, Shawn, me and Xiong.
Me, Nicole, Christine, Xiong.
YongXin, me, Kelly.
Kelly, me, Kaizhen, Shawn.
Joseph Shawn me Xiong.
Singk session ends at 4pm~ Too short for us! But since it's cheap so I'll just bear with it la =P Then someone suggested to take 大头贴 (I don't know how to translate to English but you'll know what I am talking about after you look at the photos). At first we wanna separate into 2 group, cause 9 people really alot. But then no meaning already loh, 09-09-09 must 9 people take only nice! So.. we SQUEEEEZE to fit inside the small camera, oh yeah we did it! But my head looked so big because I sat infront of the camera =.= 
I put them inside my wallet! So nice right? Hehe. Around 5pm something, good boy Shawn need go back to have dinner~ So we said goodbye to him~ Pity him cause he said he slept very late the day before yesterday, but still came celebrate with me. Thanks again! So touching~ After window shopping for awhile, we walked all the way from Sg.Wang to Pavillion!
Look at the fountains! So nice... And the colours will change! Must take picture la~ Joseph Kaizhen YongXin me and Xiong.
Then we went to WongKok Restaurant for dinner, I really love the comfortable decorations and lighting there, and take a look at the mesmerizing view!
Can see Twin Tower somemore~ But actually the most important reason is, they got free stuff for me the birthday boy! Gigantic milk tea for FREE~ Haha.
Compare and see how big it is~
Apple juice :3
My cheese baked rice with seafood. Nice!
Everyone busy eating =D
So full~ After that we chit chat and crap for awhile~ So relax~ Lying at the soft sofa, drinking milk tea~ What a satisfying day~! We leave at 9.30pm and we need to walk back to LRT station~ Quite a long walk @@ Reached house at around 11pm. I've been out for around 15 hours~! So tired but I wanna finish this blog first before I sleep, cause I wanna keep this precious memory without losing any piece of it =) Last but not least, thanks everyone again especially the 8 friends who spent their time to celebrate with me =P
wow, really a memorable birthday
yalor haha~
wei...i sengaja wake up at 9am ler..wait until 9.09 am send wish 2 u...c i so gud...i biasa dat week din exam 11+ ny wake up de u so cool la...din sad...T_T
*afta send 2 u..i continue sleep...xp
jinjin: ya meh? i rmb i got reply thankyou de wor... @@
wow! staring at the giant milk tea.... *beams*
kevin: zomok~ 1 drink ar? haha
really surprising....a nice b'day celebration...somemore got 9 ppl on 090909////^^
cammie: hehe ya lor thanks for the present =D
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